Implantorama in Lofoten
Advance your implant skills in the light of the midnight sun
Målgruppe: Tannleger/Dentists
Tid og sted: 13-14/6-25 Svolvær
Kursavgift: EUR 1 050 / Oris Dental EUR 735
Påmelding: Trykk Implantorama
Kurset teller 6 timer i NTFs egenregistrering av kurstimer.
This comprehensive course is designed for clinicians seeking to deepen their expertise in modern implantology, combining the latest in surgical techniques, restorative
protocols, and digital technologies. From diagnosis and treatment planning, through the implant placement followed by the innovative base concept, and immediate
loading, participants will gain practical skills and knowledge to elevate their practice.
The course also covers management of complications, while emphasizing the importance of effective communication strategies to enhance effi ciency and patient outcomes. The essence of the course will be real-case discussions, where we encourage you to bring your own cases. The speakers will ensure that you leave with
confidence in both the technical and communication aspects of placing implants.
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